Today I took an initial look into Android in my Linux 64 bit. After some time of initial hiccups with my eclipse IDE (Galileo), I was able to install Android development plug-ins onto eclipse.
Repository to install android is
After installing I tried creating a new Android project, but my Android preference complained me about my (Unfortunately I have not installed i686 binaries of this library).
$ android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb version
Rpmfind came to my rescue here in finding the rpm for me. Link to download (32 bit) - This is for FC12
Download and try a yum localinstall
yum localinstall ncurses-libs-5.7-3.20090207.fc12.i686.rpm
After installing adb is giving me version
$ android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb version Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.25
Here is a snapshot of downloading android SDK through eclipse
After downloading create a new Android project from eclipse.
I created my first Activity like this
import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TextView; public class FirstActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText("Shinus first Android test"); setContentView(tv); }
After this start your emulator (I tried from console prompt)
./emulator -no-audio -avd Test_Console &
Here -no-audio is required otherwise it didn't started fine for me (Fedora 12 64bit). Please be patient. It took almost 2 minutes to see the android mobile desktop.
And Test_Console (Android Virtual Device) can be created using the following command
./android create avd -n Test_Console -t 1
List of Virtual devices can be listed by issuing this command
android list avd
After this I tried deploying the app I created using eclipse first from console. Here is the command to do that
./adb install /home/shinu/workspace/android-space/FirstAndroid/bin/FirstAndroid.apk
Here is the screenshot of my first android app running in FC12 64bit
Happy Android Coding :)