A blog post after a long period. But this time I have some nice thing to share about my Linux desktop.
This is about new window manager Enlightenment another astonishing window manager. My hats off to the opensource development community behind this.
After some sought of initial hickups in getting this wm working, i had some glassy cool wm working right.
I used pbone yum repository to get it installed. My attempt of compiling the package failed due to various dependencies.
Very graphical classy desktop with with less memory consumption, that impressed me a lot.
A top show this wm is using only 3% of my system memory and a watch on cpu cycles also reveals the fact that this wm is awesome.
Good collections of themes, animated desktop wallpapers, easy interaction with online updation.
Out of the themes i like a theme named as Grunge
Good collection of desktop gadgets, including cpumeter, clock, temprature, weather forecast etc.
Here are 2 screenshots i would like to share across.
The 'e' in the middle is animated which is a rotating one.
Just completed reading one of the good story i ever read. Somehow the story touched me a lot. Story is all about the feelings and nature of one person named Rameshan.
Somehow i was seeing a pinch of me in this character, lot of similarities.
Story has a very tragic ending. Worth reading this novel, I recommend.